About Paul Levering

I'm a Certified EOS Implementer® - trained by Gino Wickman and Mike Paton to help leadership teams implement the EOS® tools in their businesses. In addition, I have relevant business experience:

  • 15 years corporate experience
  • 20 years running 3 companies of my own (2 startups, 1 acquisition)
  • 15-year member of the Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) including 12 years as a board member including President
  • Had a company acquired - acquired one as well
  • Professionally trained and licensed by EOS® Worldwide as a Certified EOS Implementer®
  • Implemented EOS® in my own organizations - I'm not only a facilitator, I'm a peer - experiencing EOS® in my own business

To learn more about my EOS Implementation services, please visit my official EOS website: eosworldwide.com/paul-levering

Paul Levering in EOS Presentation Session"In my 56 years, I’ve spent most of my life learning about, studying, and practicing the art and science of business.

My father started his own company and it failed pretty spectacularly. In my family, I saw stress, illness, divorce, and eventually the foreclosure of our home. Though it didn’t feel like it at the time, that turned out to be a pretty great learning experience for all of us!

After working my way through business school and 15 years in the corporate world, I started my first real company – a Hosted VoIP telephone company. I grew FeatureTel for 8 ½ years to a successful exit and then worked for the acquirer as a board member and employee to help transition the leadership team and hit our earnout. We employed many of the EOS® tools before we knew what EOS® was.

In 2009, I joined EO (the Entrepreneurs’ Organization). I helped grow the chapter from 25 to 70 members – serving as president for a year. I’m still a member and for the past 15 years I’ve met every month - for six hours a month - with 14 other business owners – learning about each other’s challenges and solving issues together. (We. Live. Business.)

After exiting the VoIP business and taking a year off, I bought 2 commercial HVAC companies with a partner in 2013. Learning about the EOS® tools as a trained Certified EOS Implementer, I applied EOS® there and we doubled revenues over the first 3 years while structuring myself out of the day-to-day operations.

Now, I’m getting to do for others what I loved doing most in any of my businesses – helping leadership teams clarify, simplify and achieve their vision."

If you are interested in taking your organization to the NEXT LEVEL, Contact Me for a FREE 90-Minute Workshop